Wolverdene Special School,
22 Love Lane,
SP10 2AF
Telephone: 01264 362350
Email: adminoffice@wolverdene.hants.sch.uk
Copies of any of the information/letters/policies provided throughout our website can be obtained free of charge. Please contact the school office on 01264 362350
For any safeguarding concerns please contact us on adminoffice@wolverdene.hants.sch.uk or call on 01264 362350
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Nathalie Akhmatova- Head teacher
Our Deputy designated safeguarding leads are: Michaela Burgess (Assistant Head), Ayesha Edwards (Assistant Head), Erika Pickett (Head of Care) and Hayley Cooper (Senior Family Support Worker).
Our Safeguarding Link Governor is: Carol Rooke