Wolverdene Lodge
Wolverdene Lodge provides a residential or extended day experience for children attending Wolverdene School who experience social, emotional and mental health difficulties. Placement at the Lodge can be considered where additional needs have been identified by the school; education services; parents and child; (plus other agencies, if involved), which involves a co-ordinated and structured plan of support. We provide a structured and caring environment, through which children are allowed to simply be children. To be valued, to be safe and develop, where their individuality is fostered and their needs addressed, in order to help them develop and maintain a sense of personal worth and dignity.
Our provision offers a term time only, Monday to Friday, 24-hour curriculum based approach to supporting children’s development. We are an education-based resource and as such, we do not offer an ‘In Care’ provision.
The Lodge enables children to develop social relationships of sufficient strength, to provide mutual support and friendship that will facilitate a group living experience.
We promote the active, positive and healthy liaison with and involvement of, the child’s parents and social care.
The ethos behind our working practices focus on the importance of positive relationships within children’s lives and the structure of our work is based on Attachment Theory principles. We emphasise and promote the P.A.C.E model of working:
P – Playfulness
A – Acceptance
C – Curiosity
E – Empathy