Our Wolverdene curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. This National Curriculum applies to all pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2. Within our curriculum we aim to develop children’s own interests, abilities and potential in order to equip them with the skills and competencies that they will need now and in later life.
The Primary National Curriculum provides schools with a clearly outlined curriculum that ensures that the core principles are identified, whilst giving teachers more freedom with the breadth of the content. This means that we have a Wolverdene curriculum that is relevant and meaningful to children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. Our ‘topic based’ curriculum ensures full statutory coverage, with the learning outcomes embedded into half-termly topics.
The new Maths and English curriculums are aimed at further raising standards nationally and many objectives have been moved into lower year groups as children are expected to grasp key skills more quickly.
As well as seeking to ensure that we meet all statutory requirements, we also want to make sure that we provide a Wolverdene curriculum that will:
- be relevant to the needs of our children
- will promote the core skills of Maths, English and Communication across the school day
- take a cross-curricular approach to make meaningful links between subject areas
- will promote the skills of learning and will involve children in assessment of their learning
- incorporate visits and visitors to enhance learning
- be personalised for the learning needs of each pupil
- make use of the resource and expertise we have in the school and wider community
- make use of the physical resources we have in school, such as ICT and the school grounds
Wolverdene Special School offers pupils full access to the national curriculum. Our curriculum is differentiated to meet individual need and is designed to offer pupils a high standard of learning and maximum opportunity to progress. The curriculum is delivered in topic themes, with a different topic each half term.
Literacy statement of Curriculum Intent 1